Organoids are in vitro 3D self-organizing tissues that mimic embryogenesis. Organoid research is advancing at a tremendous pace, since it offers great opportunities for disease modeling, drug development and screening, personalized medicine, as well as understanding organogenesis.
Ece Bayir, Aylin Sendemir, Yannis F. Missirlis
Abstract: Organoids are in vitro 3D self-organizing tissues that mimic embryogenesis. Organoid research is advancing at a tremendous pace, since it offers great opportunities for disease modeling, drug development and screening, personalized medicine, as well as understanding organogenesis. Mechanobiology of organoids is an unexplored area, which can shed light to several unexplained aspects of self-organization behavior in organogenesis. It is becoming evident that collective cell behavior is distinctly different from individual cells’ conduct against certain stimulants. Inherently consisting of higher number of degrees of freedom for cell motility and more complex cell-to-cell and cell-to-extracellular matrix behavior, understanding mechanotransduction in organoids is even more challenging compared with cell communities in 2D culture conditions. Yet, deciphering mechanobiology of organoids can help us understand effects of mechanical cues in health and disease, and translate findings of basic research toward clinical diagnosis and therapy.
Keywords: Organoid, Mechanobiology, Mechanoepigenetics, Mechanotransduction, Collective cell behavior.