The management structures for this COST ACTION compromise the following committees:
- Management Committee (MC) will be established with required representatives from participating countries. The MC will coordinate the Scientific-Technologic and Administrative actions.
During the kick-off meeting, it will elect: 1.The Action Chair (AC), responsible for coordinating the MC activities. An Action Vice Chair (AVC) will also be elected.2.The WG leaders (WGL) and Vice Leaders (WGVL). They will coordinate the activities of the WGs. Each WG leader who, in collaboration with the MC, will be in charge of a plan of action for each WG, detailing plans, tasks and methods for execution of their part of the Action, including the planning and follow up of the allocated Action Budget. 3.The STSM coordinator, who will be in charge of managing the STSM applications and coordinating the organization of training schools and will work on the coordination of dissemination activities, to set up and manage the website and microblogging service and to have responsibility for dissemination to stakeholders and in general.4.Industrial Representative Committee (IRC), who will discuss the needs of the industry and translate information about potentially exploitable outcomes, as well as organising meetings with industrial partners.5.The Gender Balance Coordinator (GBC) who will develop actions to enhance the participation of the under-represented gender.
The MC will also appoint a Steering Committee (SC), which will be in charge of more direct management and daily business of the Action. The AC, AVC, WGL, WGVL, STSM coordinator and the IRC will form the SC of the Action. Decisions made by SC will be put to the MC for approval. The WGs leaders, MC, and the SC will meet at least once per year and will maintain a fluent communication by email, conference calls, Skype or similar tools. To optimize resources the face-to-face meetings will take place whenever possible during major events of the Action (workshops, meetings). In addition to a kick-off meeting, a plenary meeting of the COST Action will be held once a year. Communication will regularly take place using Skype conferences and internal part of the Action Website. Contingency Dissemination Committee composed by STSM coordinator and AC.
The Management activities will lead to the following deliverables:
- D1 (Midterm) and D2 (Final) reports of the Action, including the main scientific achievements and monitored activities of the management committee.
- D3 (report after first Management Committee meeting); D4 (report after second Management Committee meeting); D5 (report after third Management Committee meeting); D6 (report after fourth Management Committee meeting), including activities performed during the relevant period of the action meetings, an account of scientific advances in technical WGs, including publications and a report monitoring activities of management committee and (STSM, ECI, gender balance, and dissemination activities).
- A dedicated website will be developed for the Action, which will be used as an internal as well as external communication tool. A closed domain will be used for internal communication purposes and data sharing. The external domain will be open for the public and will contain summarized information about the Action, its aims and objectives, updates on its findings and other useful.